The Sith Training Temple was founded with one main purpose in mind: to share information on how to build a Darth Vader costume. Although there are other topics on the forum, Darth Vader is the primary focus of the website.

The Sith Training Temple began its life as a Vader scratch builders forum. On April 22, 2001, Darth Sye, Vaderkinde, and Gypsyboy founded the Sith Training Temple group on Yahoo. The purpose was to serve as a resource for those wishing to ‘build or assemble a set of Darth Vader armour. Four years later, the Yahoo group moved to an independent site and phpBB format. Membership numbers climbed, and in 2007, the website was transferred from a .com to a .net domain extension. Today, there are more than 750 registered users with expertise ranging from sculpting to casting to electronics.